Saturday, March 29, 2014

Broga with RCC Young Aldult fellowship

Enjoyed climbing at Broga with RCC Young Aldult Fellowship early in the morning at 5++a.m.
It was a very memorable experience. 
Not about the climbing but the fellowship and interaction with the young people.
Out of expected, the young people who were first joined us were so open minded and friendly.

Above is my brother and me~~Do we look alike?

We car ool to went there. These who same car with me.
The pretty yellow shirt girl was so funny. I don't know what's wrong between both of us, we just couldn't stop laughing in the car for all the interaction between all of us.
Ya, the blue shirt guy a bit shy and quiet~
Thank you for the guy who was driving that agreed to drive immediately when we asked for it.

THANK YOU GOD for protected and took care the whole journey.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Rushing in a Good Day

The sun is good.

The wind is good.

A nice day for an afternoon snap/

And, I am,

Rushing assignment.

So Good.

P.s. Thank you for the white car that let me pass through the horrible road. This make my day.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cousin Wedding

What? You looking for the beautiful girl with pure white wedding dress?
Sorry, because I am protecting the copyright of my pretty cousin's photo, I will not post it XD
She really look so nice!!!
Is it real that every bride is the most beautiful women in the world?
Of course the groom look handsome too!
Wish their family will always in joy.

Oh ya, by the way, the photo above is me, my sister and our little sweety cousin~ <3

And below are the weird me and my beautiful sister~
We look a like but we are totally in different style.