Sunday, April 13, 2014

Semester break

And, finally, it comes to semester break. I really don't want to experience or recall one more time the rushing moment just before the holidays. Hi, holiday, I have come!

Holidays. The days that no need try hard to open eyes for afraid miss any thing that lecturer state. The days that can wear a simple big t-shirt and walk around in home. The day that no need comb my curly hair and tight it.

Started my relaxing moment with my "non-image" dear friend. Had a tea time with her.

Coursemates had plan a trip to Pulao Ketam. Sorry, I could not join. There are too much of things for me to read during this holiday. I love to stay at home and read them. I had spend the whole semester, 3 months, with you all. So, let me stay at my lovely home, with my dear family and books together.

My cuttie mom buy a new sofa. She was so excited for it. She was jumping, singing the whole morning while waiting the workers send the sofa came to our house. Yes, I granted that the sofa is nice.
I am still in holiday. It's like I can't wait for what will happen next day. Excited for every morning and enjoy sleeping without a stressful alarm every night.

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